Sunday, April 3, 2011

Top terrorist arrests

Top terrorist arrests
Top terrorist arrests. Do you remember the uneasy days when everyone in a hoodie suddenly resembled the Unabomber? It's the 15th anniversary of the arrest of the infamous man who terrorized so many. There are many new faces on the FBI's Most Wanted List today, but let's take a look at other famous arrests of terrorists worldwide.

2008 Mumbai attacks
The Mumbai attacks began Nov. 26, 2008, and continued over the following three days. In the end, nearly 200 were dead and more than 300 were wounded. Only one of 10 terrorists was captured alive. Later, this man was arrested in the United States for his connection to the plot.
Oklahoma City bombing
Before September 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building was the worst terrorist act on American soil. Timothy McVeigh and two other men were arrested for the plot. McVeigh was executed in 2001.
1993 World Trade Center bombing
The mastermind who carried out the World Trade Center bombing Feb. 26, 1993, was captured two years later in this city and then extradited to the United States. Where is he today?
Ahmed Ressam
A co-conspirator in a plot to detonate a series of bombs on New Year's Eve, 1999, Ahmed Ressam was arrested attempting to enter the United States via ferry in this city. His trunk was filled with bomb-making materials.
2005 London bombings
The first attack on July 7 killed 56 people, including the four suicide bombers who led the coordinated attacks. A second attempted attack, on July 21, was foiled and resulted in more than a dozen arrests in the conspiracy.
USS Cole bombing
This man was arrested and sentenced to death for his role in the explosion on the USS Cole that killed 17 American soldiers while docked in Yemen. This government was found liable for the bombing.
1998 US embassy bombings
Simultaneous bombings at U.S. embassies in this city in Tanzania and this city in Kenya killed hundreds, wounded thousands and led to the indictments of dozens of people. Of those, only nine have been captured.
Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103
When Pan Am Flight 103 crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland, on Dec. 21, 1988, it was first thought to be a horrible accident. But it soon became clear that a bomb had detonated on board.