Myths about menopause
Average age of menopause
The age of menopause
Myth: The age of menopause is determined by how old you were when you started your period.
Hysterectomy and menopause
Can a hysterectomy kick-start menopause?
Myth: A total hysterectomy will put you into instant menopause.
Duration of hot flashes
How long will hot flashes last?
Myth: The average time hot flashes will last is two years.
Eggs and menopause
Loss of eggs brings on menopause?
Myth: Menopause occurs when you run out of eggs.
Low estrogen wrinkles
Low estrogen causes wrinkles?
Myth: Low estrogen levels contribute to wrinkles.
Life after menopause
Life after menopause
Myth: Women live one third of their lives after menopause.
Birth control pill and menopause
The pill and menopause
Myth: If you are on the pill and you stop getting your period, it might be menopause.
Estrogen testosterone menopause
Out with the estrogen & testosterone?
Myth: When your ovaries stop producing estrogen, they also stop producing testosterone.
Final period menopause
Will you ever see your period again?
Myth: If you haven't had your period in six months, you never will again.