How to Cook a Delicious Dinner

by funnywebpark | 5:07 AM in , , , |

How to cook a delicious dinner, with only a packet of seeds? Do not want to disclose the secrets of fasting. Buy a package of sunflower seeds.

We go to the places nearest cluster of pigeons. We throw them seeds. Wait for the greedy creatures fit for most feet. Making a scathing attack-slope and grab the very young and tender. Or very fat. Dove exceptionally dull bird, this way you can catch up to 3 pieces in one place. True, I missed the third: ( pluck. carve, cut his head and legs. Marinuem (as you can barbecue with ukususom-mayo-spices can be at fault, if the crisis is not so deep.) resistant to at least daily, otherwise the meat will be tough! bake 1 hour to the baking sheet under the foil in the oven. 10 minutes before the end of the foil, remove the top and turn on the grill. Serviruem villa greens and potatoes. Wining In fact, the way a girl pinned to Learn, collecting hundreds of disgruntled comments. What was predictable. But this is just funny, pigeons were not injured. She bought a few carcasses quail, a packet of sunflower seeds and a package with goose down. Then the floor and let go of a few pigeons, after photographing them. and published photographs in his blog. On next day, she confessed that just a joke.