Power of Pushups

by funnywebpark | 3:08 PM in , , |

Power of Pushups

Do you ever wonder why the military forces their recruits to do countless amounts of pushups? Well the answer is simple, doing pushups is a great exercise that works almost all the muscles of your upper body and can be
performed almost anywhere imaginable, how perfect. Lets begin with the basics of pushups, what muscles do they works exactly, how many types of pushups are there, and how to do them properly.

Pushups work almost every muscle in the upper body. The most prominent muscles involved are the deltoids, triceps, neck, upper and lower back, and chest or pectorals. All these muscles are worked in sync when the pushup is performed properly, so lets continue with that. The proper way to do a pushup is to have your feet placed firmly together in the pushup position. Keep your back straight and head facing right in front of you; it's a common misconception to have your face into the ground as this does not work the neck muscles. Ok lets continue, when you go down to do your pushup inhale and exhale as you come up. Continue this routine for every pushup. The breathing is a good way to keep count while providing extra energy or chi to your body actually allowing you to do more pushups per set.

The next important part to remember about pushups is that there are many different types of pushups which put additional resistance on the body part you want to work out most. For instance, having your arms spread as far as possible places additional resistance on the chest. Forming a triangle with your hands allows you to work your triceps to a greater extent. These are the stances associated with pushups.